About Getting A Workers Compensation Benefits Denial Reconsidered

Were you surprised to find out that your workers compensation benefits were denied after getting badly injured at work? Depending on your health situation, the denial for benefits can possibly be contested. The smartest way to go about getting the denial turned around is with the assistance of a lawyer. This article describes a few things that might help a workers compensation lawyer get your request for benefits reconsidered.

You Are Unable to Work Because of the Injury

If you are unable to work altogether due to getting injured at work, you might qualify for workers compensation benefits. The key to getting your application reconsidered is to prove that you are unable to work, as well as how the injury put you in such a situation. When you hire a lawyer, he or she will talk to a vocational expert in regards to your injury and how it affects your ability to work. The expert will focus on how the injury affects your ability to perform the type of work that you were doing. He or she will also explain how the injury affects your ability to possibly get a job in the exact industry that you are in.

You Provided an Insufficient Amount of Evidence

A big mistake that some people make when applying for workers compensation benefits is failing to provide a sufficient amount of evidence. For example, if you only turned in a statement from your physician about the type of injury you have, it may have been insufficient as proof. A lawyer will not only obtain evidence from your physician about your injury, but will also speak to a few other physicians to get their opinion. He or she might also suggest that you volunteer to undergo a physical examination by a physician other than your primary care provider. The lawyer will then be able to turn in all of the additional evidence about your health and increase your chance of the benefits getting approved.

Your Employer Has a Personal Vendetta Against You

When an employer has a personal vendetta against an employee, it can sometimes lead to workers compensation benefits being wrongfully denied. A lawyer will ask you about any incidents that happened during your time working for your employer that may have made him or her upset with you. For instance, he or she might want to know if you were ever injured in the past and needed workers compensation benefits. You might also be asked if you have ever had to file a complaint against your employer.
